Esperanto's Homaranismo

Sunday, 4 March 2012

The Clergy Project and Freethinkers Online

Just a couple of links to some sites I've recently come across:

The Clergy Project is a confidential online community for active and former clergy who do not hold supernatural beliefs. Sounds like a good idea to me. You can find it here:

Another, more general site is

Freethinkers online Daily Press from (hope this link works as they have a strange system!)

... and while I'm here I may as well include a mention of Richard Dawkins -


Why do so many people refer to 'losing faith'? I didn't 'lose' anything when I decided not to believe in a god any more. On the contrary, I gained a phenomenal appreciation of the beauty of life, nature, the universe and all - more than I had ever had when I was a religious person and a Baha'i. The Texan puts it well in the above Freethinkers post: indescribably huge and beautiful world opened up around me. The truth has set me free.


BTW, I'm reading a great book series by Bernard Cornwell about Alfred the Great era. It's fascinating to see how the pagan beliefs compared to those of the christians - and yes, I'm deliberately decapitalising from now on.